
Make Your Road Trip An Epic Adventure

Make Your Road Trip An Epic Adventure

Are you ready to take your next road trip to the next level? With a little bit of planning and some creative ideas, you can make your next excursion an epic adventure! From must-see destinations to unique activities, we'll show you how to turn your road trip into an unforgettable experience. Read on to learn more!

Road trips can be an amazing way to bond with your friends or your family. But, there have been a few times that we’ve all faced where the road just seemed a little too long and we wanted out before we’d hit our destination. While it’s completely okay to be overwhelmed by the idea of being stuck in a car with a handful of the people you love, like, or barely know; there are ways to combat the stir-crazy feeling and that ensure that you will be having an awesome road trip from point A to point B.

Hit the road

1. Make a plan

A road trip with a plan will give people something to look forward to at the end of their first trip. Pick a site that you all want to see, whether that’s a tourist trap or some off the beaten path monument.

Follow our Pinterest board for Offbeat Vacation ideas. Find it here 

2. Do your research

After you’ve made a plan, it’s time to do a little bit of research.

While it doesn’t hurt to wing your road trip, having a solid plan on when and where you’ll stop will allow your companions to relax a little bit and plan their intake of food and water accordingly. There’s nothing worse than having to make pit-stops every two miles because someone doesn’t want to lay off of the water for lack of knowing when they’ll see the inside of a restroom on your plan.

Make a plan

3. Remain flexible

At the same time, you need to also make sure that your road trip has some wiggle room with time. Don’t take off two days and expect to make it a weekend trip, make sure you give yourself an extra day just in case. See a weird billboard? Why not follow it, give in to the urge to explore a little bit with your friends and family. A road trip with a plan that has no room for spontaneity is a boring vacation for all.

Take a break with friends.

4. Navigation tools

Make sure you have a map with you. Physical maps are less likely to glitch. While GPS is great, if you’re running through a mountain range, you may not get the service you need and you may very well make that left turn at death gorge instead.

Navigation is key.

5. Pack well

Make sure you have everything you need on a road trip, but leave some room for souvenirs along the way. Taking little trinkets from your stops will help to give you memories for a long time to come.

Lace Dresses
Lace Dresses are light and easy to pack. Find them here

6. Create a soundtrack for your journey

One of the essentials to any road trip is going to be music. If you and your road trip companions all favor a certain type of music, great! If not, try to put together a compellation.

Music for the open road

7. Games

Play road games while you’re hitting the road, this helps to break up any long silences or otherwise boring slumps in the road trip. This is especially important for the driver who may get tired on the long drive. One of the best ideas on a road trip is to play a game of finding the world’s largest objects. It’s a family favorite and can easily be translated into some pastime with friends as well.

Fun attractions

8. Stay in touch

Make sure that those you care about know where you are. Checking in once in a while is always a great way to make sure your awesome road trip is a safe one as well.

Stay in touch

9. Choose your companions wisely

Try not to fight. Chances are, you may get into a spat with someone you’re stuck in a car with for over a couple of hours, but, try to blow off the steam and get on with your road trip as fast as you can. Hug it out or laugh it off over a couple of slurpees that were the reward for making it to your last pit-stop without having to use a bottle or the side of the road.

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Belle Morte